When you take a look at that tree that doesn't seem to be doing so well, it is important to be able and identify what kind of disease or problem it may have. Having been in the tree care service for quite some time, we can list a few of the more common tree diseases we see here around Sarasota. While these may not be the most harmful or deadly to the tree, we do see a ton of these trees infected left untreated to wither away. We know that you care for the trees that are in your land and want them to be healthy and grow well, so here are a few common ones that you can be on the watch for.
The first on our list just has to be oak wilt. This disease can be very deadly to your trees and can spread very fast if it is not treated. Most arborists will consider trees with oak wilt a casualty, and remove them promptly to prevent it from spreading. Signs of oak wilt are dark veins on the tree's leaves and wilting.
Common Tree Diseases in Florida
The discoloration is a sign of decreasing water supply, and the veins will eventually turn dark brown, a sign that the tree most likely can't be revived. Second on the list would be fungal conks or tree bracket fungus. These fungi attack the hardwood interior of living trees, causing tons of damage to the core of the tree. The fungus is from the mushroom family and will stick out from the tree. They are rock hard and are very difficult to remove. Unfortunately, arborists recommend that you remove the branches that are infected, but if any other parts have been infected, in many cases there is nothing you can do to save the tree. Last on our list is fire blight. While fire blight is definitely less common than the two diseases above, it has still been seen a few times and can be very deadly if not treated quickly. Fire blight is caused by bacteria that latch onto the tree and change its appearance so it looks charred. Another sign is bacterial ooze coming from the leaves. While this can be treated in ways that seem like they could be done by you, it is a disease that requires a professional to treat.